Monday, April 15, 2013

CLYC Armada reaches Albert Basin

Last Saturday saw a rare sight in the Albert Basin as 10 sailing boats arrived to demonstrate the sport of sailing with 4 short races. Initially the sun shone and the wind was gentle but it is Ireland after all so it was not surprising when the wind blew hard, and the rain came down! Peter Conway and WHA had kindly provided a committee boat as a base for Kieran Cranley to officiate over the racing. Declan "The Voice of Newry" McChesney provided flowing commentary which kept the sailors and spectators both well informed and amused. The gusty conditions proved testing and there were many capsizes and a few collisions with the basin wall. Despite this the sail up from the slipway was beautiful and the club would hope to make this an annual event, although it would be nicer without the hypothermia. Also in attendance was James McAreavey from the Newry Maritime Association who congratulated the club on drawing interest to the Newry Canal again. He reported that it was probably the 1930's since a similar event had been held in the Basin and brought along a cup from a rowing event held in 1885 to show to those present. A boat was on display in the Quays for the day along with details of courses and membership which can all be seen at

Siobhan O'Connor brought proceedings to a dramatic conclusion by falling into the canal fully clothed, Mr O'Connor let himself down badly by calling for the camera first before rescuing his dearly beloved!

No club racing last Sunday as the Irish Weather again conspired against us. Hopefully normal service will resume next Sunday when Paddy Rooney and his team take charge.

Trudy O'Hare arrives at the shops in style

The Armada heads to Newry

Rachel McKay and Katie O'Farrell lead the charge

Myles McManus, smiling all the way to Newry

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